🍁 Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁


As we gather for Thanksgiving in groups great and small, at some point in the day, whether around the dinner table, a warm fire, or another setting, most homes will have a traditional time of sharing a few of the things for which they are most thankful.  Even though it will be overshadowed by the food, family, & football, the giving of thanks is the purpose of the day.  It is healthy for the soul to recount the blessings of the year, both the good and the “bad,” because we soon forget how blessed we are in so many ways.

I recently heard the singing of what is referred to as the Doxology – some of you may be familiar with this short hymn first published in 1709.  The words caused me to pause and think.  May I encourage you at this time of reflection to also consider where all blessings come from.  They are perfectly designed, timed, and delivered to us by a loving God.  Take time to thank Him, for, without Him, these blessings would not be.

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”

We are thankful for you and the opportunity to serve with you.  You are a blessing to us, for which we are grateful!  We wish you and your families a blessed Thanksgiving and we look forward to working with you again when we return from our Thanksgiving break on Monday.

Happy Thanksgiving!

In order to celebrate with our family and friends, Promus will be closing Thursday, November 25 and Friday, November 26. We will be reopening on Monday, November 29.  
